My Breasts Were Sick–I Wanted Them Off

It is always jarring when a woman says she wants her breasts removed even  though it isn’t necessary. This survivor (in the middle) was adamant about doing so and speaks about her breasts and her womanhood in a very direct way. We have heard about men leaving their wives after mastectomy, but her husband was all in regarding her decision and her treatment. We know him quite well as he works in the same building and was here for all…

Thank You, Cancer….Really?

  It is hard to understand the logic of expressing gratitude after a battle with cancer. I have heard this intriguing sentiment before and felt bewildered by it. This survivor (holding the camera herself) beautifully, powerfully, and profoundly expresses gratitude for what she has learned after a long, tough fight. Fascinating. Lemons into lemonade…. IN HER OWN WORDS: Ten years ago God spoke to me in the early morning hours. I was already in a rough place in my life, probably…

From Breast Cancer to the American Cancer Society

This survivor (on the right) has used her experience as a springboard into multiple useful activities and life changes. Interestingly, she now works for the American Cancer Society and I can’t think of a more appropriate job for her. Cancer may have stricken her, but she turned the fight against it into a career and a calling. IN HER OWN WORDS: I am an 8-1/2 year Breast Cancer Survivor. When I received the call from Dr. Kehoe about being diagnosed with…

Bolting the Operating Room….the Fear

This high strung survivor (in the middle with staff members) tried to flee the operating room before her surgery. Now she has to deal with being reminded all too often that she has breast cancer…. IN HER OWN WORDS: When I walked into the operating room for my breast cancer surgery, I was shocked. I was never in an operating room before; it looked like a torture chamber. The operating table was so narrow and long and straps were hanging from…

Lost Her Job Because She “HAD” Breast Cancer

This survivor’s story is distressing. After finishing her therapy she lost her job because she “HAD” breast cancer. When out of work after this occurred, I hired her. She worked for me for only a short time and offered comfort and support to the cancer patients as nobody could. I wish she could have stayed on much longer. Insightful and compassionate and helpful. A beautiful survivor. IN HER OWN WORDS: I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of 2010…

Nazis, an Hungarian Doctor, and Breast Cancer

This 86 year old Russian Jew (with myself and staff member) survived the Nazis. Now she is surviving breast cancer. During World War II as an 11 year old at a summer camp near the Polish border, she survived a greater threat than breast cancer. The camp was overrun by the Germans, but an Hungarian Doctor heroically saved her from the concentration camps. Now a team of modern doctors treating her breast cancer have taken on the role of the…

I Got Breast Cancer and My Husband Left Me

Men leaving their wives after a breast cancer diagnosis and a mastectomy  doesn’t happen often. Thankfully. This survivor (on the left with her daughter born a few months before her diagnosis) took it as a challenge and an obstacle to overcome, just like her cancer. Her silent prayer for survival in relation to her parenting is poignant and priceless…. IN HER OWN WORDS: I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when my youngest child was 5 months old. My then husband…

A Family Affair

  Today’s survivor (red top) is in the center flanked by two daughters, one of whom is also a warrior survivor, and friend Michele. Matriarch of family is incredibly strong and resolute and has a great outlook on life. IN HER OWN WORDS: Hi my warriors! Today is a beautiful day! Actually everyday after having and surviving breast cancer is a beautiful day. My story goes back to 7 years ago at the age of 76, yes 76. I felt…

Breast Cancer: A Daughter and Her Mother in the USA

Healthcare in the USA has its problems, but not for this mother and daughter who appreciate what we do here, whatever the shortcomings…. IN THE DAUGHTER’S OWN WORDS: I would like to share my mother’s story with everyone. It  happened 9,5 years ago… My mother didn’t visit the gynecology doctor for a long time and I’ve made an appointment for her. It was a hard time for our family, because my father was dying!  Anyway, I insisted, and she went to…

The Breast Cancer Kept Coming Back….Until it Didn’t

This survivor’s (in the middle) story is scary. The breast cancer just kept coming back and coming back and coming back….until it stopped coming back….Her story is much more harrowing that her matter of fact style shows. Something about surviving that quiets the fearful voices inside? Through it all, she remained amazingly positive.   IN HER OWN WORDS: I was diagnosed with breast cancer in February of 2001,  I was only 33 years old.  I had an immediate lumpectomy followed…